Monday, September 27, 2010

The Worst is Behind Us, Not Ahead!

Chart of the Week

, in its online article Recession or Not, U.S. Job Market Woes Persist, published on September 22, stated that the Great Recession may be over but the job market doesn't reflect "Happy Days Are Hear Again."

Although the unemployment rate is down almost 1.5% since its highs in February 2010, it still is too high on any measure.

BUT... the good news is:

1) the worst is behind us, not ahead.  That means, if you've been looking for that next opportunity, time is on your side.
2) executives hiring, although not robust, is happening.  Many of my clients are finding oppportunties and landing.
3) unemployment is the difference between created jobs and discontinued jobs.  That means there are jobs opening up all the time. 
4) summer is always changable in its hiring/layoffs.  Don't look at the past -- it does no good -- but know that unemployment is a lagging indicator with respect to job hiring.

Monday, September 20, 2010

CEO Employment Index Rises Slightly

Chief Executive Employment Index (6 month r=.84 lagged)


The CEO Employment Index and the CEO Confience Index reflect a slow but steady rise since it's bottom in Q2 one year ago. 

Q2 of 2010 shows an uptick, however modest, and with the survey one chief executive stated what I believe is happening under the radar.  He says, "For those that do have strong balance sheets and access to capital and liquidity, the environment is ripe with opportunity for acquisition, organic growth and capturing market share.“

This tracks other data points from the Private Equity industry as well as Challenger, Grey and Christmas in the report from CNBC quoted earlier in this blog.

What does this mean?

There is fog, there is reality, and it is up to you to know the difference.

Helpful hits:
  • Don't listen to the media.  They have a vested interest in reporting that which will sell more advertising space.
  • Know your industry and its challenges.  Each industry is going to have a bumpy recovery, but knowing the specifics and what you can do to create value is invaluable.
  • Get out there and discover the truth.  Do your own personal research and know that those who really do make a difference will find opportunities. 
  • Don't wait for things to turn around.  The absolute worst thing you can do is quit until things "get better."  Quitters never win and winners never quit!
Thoughts? Comments?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Job Outlook for Executives Is 'Strong' as Firms Seek Growth

The "new, new, new normal" is here to stay.
Boards of Directors want to hire C-Suite Executives who know how to take existing business into new markets. Especially those companies who are sitting on a lot of cash and seeing that new opportunities means getting into position to leverage growth in the next 18 months.

“For a lot of marketing executives and professionals who got stuck in this recession, now opportunities are starting to open up again,” John Challenger said,, the source of the CNBC article and CEO of employment-research firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas.

Bottom line for executives:
  1. Position yourself as a key executive who knows how to grow a business, not just hunker down hoping things will change.
  2. Target small and medium sized companies who have taken the hit with retiring Baby Boomers and need top level leaders.
  3. Learn how to use social networking to connect to quality contacts and tap into the hidden executive job market.
  4. Do more than your competition when it comes to getting on a hiring executive's radar screen. 
Want to talk about it?  Call me for your free, no obligation Strategy Session.  I'd love to hear from you!